The last word you would probably use to describe yourself is dummy. Infact you probably wouldn't refer to yourself as an adict either. But stop and think for a moment. Are you? Ask yourself, is your smartphone close by? Do you check it every few minutes? Do you feel lost without it? Do you tend to text even when you're in the company of family, friends or associates?
If you answered yes to most if not all those questions, I think it is safe to say you have a real problem. You are, without a question, and addict and a dummy!
In my professor's class we watched an eye-opening documentary called Digital Dummies. It explored the uncanny reliance we have with our little mobile devices. Blackberries, iPhones and Androids have litterally tken over our lives. We find it difficult to function without them. It is as if we need our smartphones to remain sane. Without them we feel lost, naked, vunerable and very, very lonely.
Infact here is a little fun fact! I'm writting this blog post from my Blackberry! I'm not fully used to online interactions over my smartphone. Some would call me a noob. So if you find many mistakes, well, that is why. I'm honestly not only addicted to my smartphone, but my lovely PC/Mac with the ever handy spell check!
So I challenge you to open your own eyes! You may not think so at first, but it is very likely that you are addicted and a complete dummy. Take the quiz on Crackberry! It will show you just how dependable some of us are. I know I am! I admit, I am a Blackberry addict. I wonder if there's a twelve step pogram for that? Blackberry anonomys? Anybody?